How To Check If My Phone Is Rooted or Not
So you have just gone a dime a dozen of procedures, but you can’t catch if your device is rooted or not. There aren’t any indicators that you have got root access. There is no blinking light as well as any label. Just nothing that can show that your phone is rooted now.
If the things shape up in your favor, you can root an Android device in less than 15 minutes. But something may go wrong. After the rooting process is over, your cell phone still can be unrooted. Rooting an Android device is quite a tedious procedure requiring particular knowledge as well skills.
Though the rooting programs will gently lead you through it, but still how to tell if a phone is rooted? Today we’re going to discuss what is a rooted phone and how to check if it is rooted.
What Is a Rooted Phone?
As you know, Android is built on the Linux operating system. Like in Linux, performing high-level operations, in particular, those that can change the operating system require root access. Before running any admin commands, you have to tell that you are an admin or a superuser.
Unlike any laptops or desktop coming out with root access, handheld devices are under strict regulations of carriers and manufacturers. Moreover, rooting is prohibited by law in some countries.
For example, in the USA you aren’t allowed to root a tablet, but you can root your cell phone in case of interoperability.There are low chances of going to jail because of rooting, but it’s better to get familiar with the law before rooting your device. You can find more information on legal aspects of rooting in our previous entry.
The manufacturers, as well as carriers, limit the hardware freedom for users. They don’t allow root access on phones out of the box. And as soon as you get root access to your device’s hardware, you can read, control, and alternate the settings of the device.
Why Should You Go For Rooting?
Rooting can boast lots of advantages and unlock the hidden potential of an Android device. Average users have no clues how powerful Android smartphones are. They don’t use (or it’s better to say they can’t access) even the half of the power.
Here’s a list of top reason why you should root your Android device:
- Take advantage of more powerful apps
- Increase your battery life
- Play dynamic games
- Get rid of manufacturer’s Android skins
- Enjoy ad-free experience
- Backup every byte of information
- Expand the functionality of your device
Want to know more reasons to root your device? Check out our entry on seven reasons to root your Android device.
So Is Your Phone Rooted?
To start with, any Android smartphone doesn’t have root access by default. It means that you have to root it before you can change any high-level features. Supposing that you have run through a rooting program, but how to check whether it’s rooted or not? Here are two ways to check if the rooting process was successful or not.
Way #1 - Download Root-Only App
It’s probably the simplest way to check whether your phone is rooted or not. Just install the app that required root access. You can install any free root-only app. Some of them you can find in the Google Play Store.
Then you have to open the app, and if the app asks for superuser rights and you can give root access - congrats, your phone is rooted.
Way #2 - Install Root Checker
There is a dime a dozen of apps created particularly for verifying your root access. Just go to the Google Play Store and look for a root checker. There are free as well as paid apps. You can find something to meet your needs and requirements.
Once you install a root checker, follow the on-screen instruction to run a root test. As soon as the app gets all necessary permissions from you, it will conduct a short verification process. And wait for the results. As soon as verification process is over, the app will inform you whether your Android device is rooted or not.
What to Do If Your Phone Isn’t Rooted?
If your smartphone isn’t rooted, you always have a chance to whip it into shape. Don’t know how to root an Android device? Or are you afraid of bricking your device while rooting? Feel free to contact our experts.